"I found my smattering of German very useful here; indeed, I don't know how I should be able to get on without it." -Bram Stoker, Dracula.

Sunday, August 21, 2011


     Today was awesome! I went to the tiny city of Ölbronn--the city in which many of my ancestors lived.  No one else had any interest in going to a tiny town so I ended up going by myself. That actually turned out okay, because I could go at my own pace. I walked several miles today in the heat and humidity. It was so worth it though. The locals kept looking at me like I was a weirdo because I was taking pictures of the buildings and because I kept smiling at people as they passed by. Mom, I wish you could have been there! I thought of you the whole time I was there! Here are a few pictures to help you see what I saw...
Me at the Ölbronn-Dürrn S-Bahn platform!
"House hunting" old houses in Ölbronn (houses on the left with their inscription on the right)

Dieses Haushof erbaut Johannes Velte und mit ihm seine Ehe Frau Rosinn Dorothea 1803
Believe it or not in real life the house is a light green color (like mint toothpaste)! It looks way cool.

Johannes Böhringer und mit im seine Haus Frau Mariea Sibila Anno 1777 Mauerer Johan Uhlrich Wenning
Im Jahr Christi 1729 erbaut vom Jacob Veltin

     I also visited the neighboring city of Kleinvillars...
(above) The church in Kleinvillars, (left) the old "Rathaus"
Another old building in Kleinvillars

     I took bike paths to get from city to city so I got to see some really cool things. I even picked an apple off an apple tree on the way back to Ölbronn! I saw tons of apple trees along the path.
Monument to two men killed at the Aalkistensee in an accident in 1974.

Back in Ölbronn-- The church on the left and the 1890s "Rathaus" on the far right

Between the S-Bahnhof and Ölbronn...

The road to the Ölbronn-Dürrn S-Bahnhof...
Interesting side note: you must indicate that you want to get off the Bahn here or they will drive right on by...good thing I understand the driver speaking German over the loudspeaker!

     Ölbronn is a sweet little town and I am so grateful that I had the opportunity to visit it!


  1. Camille :) I love being able to follow your blog now!!! This pot is beautiful! What a great experience to visit where your ancestors are from! Olbronn looks marvelous! I don't remember if I told you this about my mom before, but when she lived in Germany as a little girl she was called the american girl by her german classmates because she had an American accent. When they finally moved back to america when she was ten, her classmates then called her the little German girl because she came back with a german accent!! I tell you this because you are little German girl and I love it :) You are having a wonderful adventure out there and I miss you terribly!!!

  2. Aww I miss you as well Liz! I'm glad you are enjoying my blog! I think I am going to get a lot of weird looks from people when I get back to the States, because I have started using some German words when I speak English. z.B.(zum Beispiel= for example) I haven't said "we had to change trains X times" in a long time because we always say "we had to umsteig X times". I think it is so fun to add in German words! It makes me happy.
